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What Do Acids Really Do?

While working in the skin care industry I’ve come across many different people with all skin types looking to achieve the same result: younger-looking, clear skin. Educating my clients is what I love most about my job. What I find interesting is that everyone knows of “acids” (like Glycolic acid, Retin-A, Salicylic acid, Lactic acid, etc.) but they don’t know what acids actually do for the skin or where they come from. Glycolic is made from fermented sugar cane, Salicylic comes from the willow tree bark, Lactic acid derives from milk and Retin-A comes from Vitamin A.

All acids do the same thing. Simply speaking, they exfoliate. Your skin naturally builds up layers of dead skin and oil. As we age and the rate of new skin cell production decreases resulting in duller, lackluster skin. Acids detach dead skin cells and enable movement of your skin cells by sluffing off some of those layers.

So whats the deal with the “acid trend” these days? By default acids are “Anti-Aging” because acids are reducing the layers of dead skin, they are also reducing fine lines and wrinkles!

Many clients ask me, “Whats the best acid for my skin?” Well, that depends on each person’s skin and what results they are trying to achieve. My ‘go to’ for a gentler homecare acid is the Max Complexion Correction Pads by Peter Thomas Roth for normal/oily combination skin types. These cotton pads are saturated with 10% Glycolic acid and 2% Salicylic acid based in a light aloe. A consistent cell turnover will give you brighter, more even skin tone.

When your homecare is working, our medical grade peels at Corrective Skincare will be more effective! Win-Win! Call us if you have any questions. 818.981.6130 (Encino) 310-566-0858 (SaMo)

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